


In RC2, the documentation is all online; so if you loose internet connection, you're SOL. If they loose connection, you're SOL. If they update their web page or server, and the link(s) get screwed...so are you. This is, IMHO, A *horrible* 'documentation' set up.

Not if you get a downloadable version of the documentation too once every few big updates and get the most up to date and accurate version online. Off course, if it's only like "this button = this is this button, not that one" then it's useless anyways...


As far as I can tell...nope. I am talking about the RC2 right now; RC1 does have, uh, "documentation", but as I said, it's not well written at all. At most it has absolute bare-basic info...but none of the stuff someone who is creating an asset might need to know (like texture formats, model formats, bone limitations, sound formats you can use, etc.). All very generic in description. Kinda like "You can add your own models to the project by simply importing them". Sounds easy enough...but what formats? Can they have open faces? Can an object be made up of sub-objects? Do I just hit "import", or do I have to do other stuff? Etc...

Probably the single biggest update I'm looking forward to in RC2 is the documentation.


"We've got a blind date with destiny...and it looks like she's ordered the lobster."

-- The Shoveler

A7 Commercial (on Windows 7, 64-bit)