hey ventilator,

yes you might get into problems very soon. actually it gets worse at about 200kb of code, and gets REALLY worse with about 500 KB depending on your computer hardware and software.
I've never experienced any connections between constants and compiling time, but Lukas ensured me that the compiling times of his program sank from 20 minutes to 19.5 minutes within the latest beta. A great success
Maybe we should contact jcl for further questions if there are enough people who have the same problem.

As i already said, in the todays form the compiling times of lite-c are dissatisfying and make the use of lite-c in big projects impossible. But i might be wrong, that's why I opened this thread to get opinions of other members of this community BEFORE i talk with jcl again about this issue.

thanks for your post and please stay in contact with me if you get any further problems while converting your code to clite.
Timo Stark