We are working on a VR-Simulator project and were facing the same problem when we started to migrate our C-Script code to lite-C.
A colleague of mine wrote a thread about that a while ago, unfortunately in german: "Kompilierzeit light-c "
We have a lot of routines in this project which have to be fine-tuned. This requires compiling and starting the application each time after a few tweaks in the code.
While the starting process took about 10 seconds in C-Script it raised to 5:30 minutes after the migration. Just to mention: almost all the code was in one main file with about 12.000 lines of code (app. 350 kb).
For this reason it was not possible to continue developing anymore.

So we thought about taking single routines out of the main file and transfer it temporarily to a small dummy application.

In doing that the first step was to transfer all interface elements to a separate file. So we ended up in two main files, each of them with about 6.000 lines of code.

Big surprise: only by doing that the compiling times reduced from 5:30 minutes to 20 seconds, which is a factor of 16!

We do not know why that happened, as the code is the same.