Hi Conetic Team & Roomies,
(Best place I could think of to put this)

The Issue:
After spending 3 weeks to convert 3 years of code from C-Script to C-Lite and finally getting it to compile and run I have found some more interesting problems. Let me note that there is many resources in this game (600+). It is very large.

We have 5 test computers in this test:
Name VideoRam Ram VideoCard
Computer1 128 1gig ati 9600LE
Computer2 128 1gig ati x700
Computer3 256 1gig ati x700
Computer4 256 1gig geForce 7900GS
Computer5 256 2gig geForce 7900GS

First, all 5 computers could run Test Run from SED and Publish before changing to C-Lite. All have DirectX9.0c or later.

After converting to C-lIte we now have following Results:

Test Run from SED:
Computer1 & Computer2 fail (aknex.exe error with no data provided) during compile of Test Run from SED. (128MB video ram is difference that I can see)
Computer3, Computer4, and Computer5 work during Test Run from SED. (256MB video ram is difference that I can see)

Publish with Resource and Compile Exe and Run from SED:
All computers fail this. The Test run during publish doesn't work and running the main.exe with the command line after the build also crashes. I was hoping to do test with 512MB video ram computer (if it Published with 512mb video ram I would know for sure it is video ram), but haven't found 512mb video ram computer yet. So there could many things that cause this failure.

Here are some questions:
1) Does startup compile in C-Lite or C-Lite in general use more Video Ram for some reason as compared to C-Script?
2) What are some suggestions to try to resolve this problem? (Tried changing NEXUS and Virtual Memory. That doesn't work)

I am currently going through and taking out old references to any art files that are not being used any more. I am going to do some bmap_purge() stuff and all, but any other ideas on how to solve the crash during compile due to what seems is the ammount of video memory that the computer has would be appreciated. It all worked in C-Script, but for some reason not in C-Lite.


Professional A8.30
Spoils of War - East Coast Games