It is not new I know , but I have bought the professional release, and I must say that I am very happy how it work, I have done some experiments, for see the compatibility with 3dGs, it seem good, but until to a certain point, like X esporter, even with the plugin nuxporter could export the lightmap also, but when you import the model in MED, the lightmap will be lose! As the author of the Plugin says from nuxporter, that the shadowmap will be exported inside the .X file like an effect (fx) but for MED doesn't serve, I have tried to open the model exported with many programs. Milkshape, ac3d, cinema4D 6, and also unwrap3d, this opens it with the texture, but without the lightmap.
Now I have wanted to try another export plugin with deled, the Export plugin for Blitz3D! I have exported the model in B3d format, and I have imported it in unwrap3d, fantastic! here the model with the texture and the lightmap! naturally as second UV set!
Now my question would be if is possible write a Plugin for MED, or WED, that imports the files created from DeleD .DMF or a plugin that imports the B3d files! other solution would be of adapt the X plugin importer of MED, able to read the FX shader that comes also written inside the X. files exported with nuxporter. Inside the packet of Deled Pro, there is also the SDK resource for create import or export plugin,with Delphi, if anybody (type Ventilator that is a Wizard!) wants to give a look I give him the SDK gladly! now I put the X files here where is the effect fx for give an idea.

Material Floor04 {

TextureFilename {

EffectInstance {

EffectParamString {

