Overall, this is a nice model (from what I can see from the fairly small screen shot). However, I also agree that it is too many polygons. The reason I am saying it is too many polygons is because it seems there should be more details and a more clearly defined shape for a human model in that polygon range. For example, look at how square the shoulders are (the obvious points that are there). In a humanoid model with over 5000 polygons this should not be so obvious. I have models with about 1200 polygons that look just about as detailed (of course, it is very difficult to compare because, with such a small screen shot, it is hard to see how detailed areas like the shoes are, etc).

The last concern, not having seen the wireframe, is how well will this model animate. Whether the poly count is 500 or 50,000, none of it matters much if it does not deform properly.

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