BEHAVIOR works with small changes of parameters, under t7rc4 files:

1 - Copy myProj.wdl file to your project folder.

// BLANK Wizard
// local files
PATH "images";
PATH "includes";
PATH "maps";
PATH "models";
PATH "sounds";
PATH "textures";

// shared template files
PATH "%EXE_DIR%\\templates\\t7w_blank";
PATH "%EXE_DIR%\\templates\\images";
PATH "%EXE_DIR%\\templates\\includes";
PATH "%EXE_DIR%\\templates\\maps";
PATH "%EXE_DIR%\\templates\\models";
PATH "%EXE_DIR%\\templates\\sounds";
PATH "%EXE_DIR%\\templates\\textures";
PATH "%EXE_DIR%\\templates";

2 - Copy myProj.xml file to your project folder and change the paths:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
- <Project name="Blank Project." date="1204378615" vers="8.0201">
<Paths proj_file="D:\Programme\GStudio708\blank_level\" t7_file="D:\Programme\GStudio708\templates\xml\" />
<Behavior t7_file="Behaviors.xml" />
<Camera t7_file="Cameras.xml" />
<UI t7_file="UI.xml" />
<AnimationPool t7_file="Animations.xml" />
<WeaponDefPool t7_file="Weapons.xml" />
<Display t7_file="Display.xml" />
<UserInput t7_file="UserInput.xml" />
- <Level name="Start" mapfile="start.wmb">
- <Entity name="guard_mdl_001" parent="t7_biped_player">
- <Component name="head">
<Edit name="offset" value="-100,0,36" />
<Edit name="angOffset" value="0,0,0" />
<Edit name="angLimit" value="30,30,30" />
- <Component name="physBiped">
<Edit name="forceScale" value="8,7,0" />
<Edit name="aForceScale" value="8,0,0" />
<Edit name="jumpHeight" value="10" />
<Entity name="guard_mdl_002" parent="t7_biped_dumb" />
- <Entity name="cam_mdl_003" parent="t7_biped_player">
- <Component name="head">
<Edit name="offset" value="0,0,256" />
<Edit name="angOffset" value="0,0,0" />
<Edit name="angLimit" value="10,90,0" />
- <Component name="health">
<Edit name="blood" value="false" />
- <Component name="physBiped">
<Edit name="forceScale" value="80,50,0" />
- <Entity name="guard_mdl_003" parent="t7_biped_player">
- <Component name="collision">
<Edit name="type" value="4" />
- <Component name="head">
<Edit name="offset" value="0,0,45" />
- <Component name="physBiped">
<Edit name="forceScale" value="80,50,0" />
- <Entity name="cam_mdl_005" parent="t7_biped_player">
- <Component name="collision">
<Edit name="type" value="0" />
- <Component name="head">
<Edit name="offset" value="0,0,100" />
<Edit name="angOffset" value="0,0,0" />
- <Component name="physBiped">
<Edit name="forceScale" value="20,20,0" />
<Edit name="aForceScale" value="10,10,0" />
<Edit name="jumpHeight" value="30" />


Example -

*(maybe "myProj" should be overwrite to your project name, but only when you changed it.)

Have fun

Last edited by rojart; 03/01/08 18:13.

Regards, Robert

Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not one bit simpler.
by Albert Einstein

PhysX Preview of Cloth, Fluid and Soft Body
