
That shouldn't be happening.

Can you post your debugout.xml log? I may have an answer.

NP: Here you go..

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!-- Debug output -->
<Note func="t7Info" frame="2" tick="0.00976563" >Version (1.4)</Note>
<Note func="t7Info" frame="2" tick="0.00976563" >Date (80123)</Note>
<Note func="EngineInfo" frame="2" tick="0.00976563" >Version (7.0752)</Note>
<Note func="EngineInfo" frame="2" tick="0.00976563" >Edition (4)</Note>
<Note func="EngineInfo" frame="2" tick="0.00976563" >Compat (5)</Note>
<Note func="CFileManager::locate()" frame="2" tick="0.00976563" >File found in local path (myProj.xml)</Note>
<Note func="CGame::init" frame="2" tick="0.00976563" >Game object init.</Note>
<Note func="CGame::instance()" frame="2" tick="0.00976563" >Game object created.</Note>
<Warning func="CFileManager::locate()" frame="2" tick="0.00976563" >File not found (Display.xml)</Warning>
<Warning func="CGame::load(string)" frame="2" tick="0.00976563" >CDisplay file not found (Display.xml)</Warning>
<Warning func="CFileManager::locate()" frame="2" tick="0.00976563" >File not found (UserInput.xml)</Warning>
<Warning func="CGame::load(string)" frame="2" tick="0.00976563" >CUserInput file not found (UserInput.xml)</Warning>
<Warning func="CFileManager::locate()" frame="2" tick="0.00976563" >File not found (Weapons.xml)</Warning>
<Warning func="CGame::load(string)" frame="2" tick="0.00976563" >CWeaponDefPool file not found (Weapons.xml)</Warning>
<Warning func="CFileManager::locate()" frame="2" tick="0.00976563" >File not found (Behaviors.xml)</Warning>
<Warning func="CGame::load(string)" frame="2" tick="0.00976563" >EntityData file not found (Behaviors.xml)</Warning>
<Note func="CFileManager::locate()" frame="2" tick="0.00976563" >File found in local path (Cameras.xml)</Note>
<Note func="CCameraFirst::CCameraFirst(CXMLNode)" frame="2" tick="0.00976563" >First-person camera created.</Note>
<Note func="CCameraThird::CCameraThird(CXMLNode&)" frame="2" tick="0.00976563" >Third-person camera created.</Note>
<Note func="CGame::load(string)" frame="2" tick="0.00976563" >CCameraManager file loaded (Cameras.xml)</Note>
<Note func="CGame::load(string)" frame="2" tick="0.00976563" >Number of cameras (2)</Note>
<Warning func="CFileManager::locate()" frame="2" tick="0.00976563" >File not found (Animations.xml)</Warning>
<Warning func="CGame::load(string)" frame="2" tick="0.00976563" >CAnimationPool file not found (Animations.xml)</Warning>
<Note func="CFileManager::locate()" frame="2" tick="0.00976563" >File found in local path (UI.xml)</Note>
<Note func="CGame::load(string)" frame="2" tick="0.00976563" >CUi file loaded (UI.xml)</Note>
<Note func="CGame::load(string)" frame="2" tick="0.00976563" >Level Added</Note>

I haven't altered anything. What I did was, Started WED, project wizard, outdoor, path c:, name outside. That's it. Oh and changed health and ammo.

rc4 was fine execpt for the behaviour panel problems.

Windows XP SP3
Intel Dual Core CPU: E5200 @ 2.5GHz
4.00GB DDR3 Ram
PCIE x16 GeForce GTS 450 1Gb
SB Audigy 4
Spyware Doctor with AntiVirus