I build some constructions with bricks [phent_settype(eBrick0001,PH_RIGID,PH_BOX);]. Later I plan that the player can set the bricks in his own way.

Planned were a little game with about 200-500 bricks.

If the bricks are close to each other the prblems happen.
When I put boulder [phent_settype(eBoulder,PH_RIGID,PH_SPHERE);] in my landscape, the problems do not happen...

I think the problem is the distance between the bricks. I can place about 100 bricks with a greater distance to each other without problems.
If I build a staple with 20 Bricks, no problems happen.
If I try to build a wall, the problems causes..

(Excause me for my bad english - i red the manual but I do not understand all, I got A7 on beginning this week)

Worst possible programmer (as bad as my english)