
Surry, but discussing graphics in this state of work makes me very angry.
He shows us a very perfect style of action, path finding, and a very harmonic code. That is just awesome!

People who discuss the graphic aspects seem to out themselfs as non developers in a very hard way.

You can buy very good graphics, models, sounds - just everything in this range for a few dollars. Seems that all the graphic "shitstuff" is not very much worth at all.

This fellow shows us cool an perfect coding - he shows us a
game development. This is the aspect of the posting! No [censored] graphics! But it seems, that this is very hard to understand for the majority.

it's true that graphics aren't the full extent of the project, however, they have to do with screenshots, althoug i agree it's well coded, and very well animated. Graphics part of the project, it is important to get a graphic style that "fits together" and fits the game properly, it's also important to go with one style. I think his cartoony graphics are great i just think that the rest of the textures should fit the cartoony style along with the effects

Last edited by mpdeveloper_B; 03/06/08 15:12.

- aka Manslayer101