
guys, thank you for the comments! They are very encouraging. Since I dont really have anyone to show my game to you guys are my only source of encouragement/critique!

You are right about the grainy sand not fitting in with the animated explosions. I have a habit of mixing alot of different styles sometimes. I hope to get some sort of "visual playtesting" when the game is in a playable state for testers.

great, i'd play a demo and tell you what i think, although i couldn't fully dedicate myself to beta testing, PreVa's not gonna make it's own cutscenes and it's definately not going to finish itself . I think your project looks "awesome" believe me, i love the style, and i love how well things are animated , ie the smoke, the tanks. I also love the classic sounds, i'm a sucker for that kind of stuff . I think the project has very much potential, DONT THROW IT AWAY , with a few texture changes to make them look cartoony, and you'd have me playing "as a matter of fact if there was a demo i'd play now"

as for what germanunkol suggested, why not have a mark above enemies and allies heads like a triangle or something.

- aka Manslayer101