
Sorry for being cynical, but I don't think functional languages have a reason for existence outside of academia & research. Particularly in computer games you want performance and control. Neither of which is provided by functional languages.

that's what i was thinking from what i've read.

we had an orientation today where no direct reference to haskell was made, but they said we'd be starting with something that focuses on problem solving and as little code as possible. sounds like haskell to me.

thanks, Excessus, for the nice big post describing your experiences with haskell. i don't have much to comment about it, but took a lot out of it.


I would not be concerned about getting a headstart- it will all be explained in class.

it's not so much about the headstart, but about knowing what i'm gonna be doing.

one question... i hear that prior knowledge of imperative languages is useless with functional programming (as Excessus touched on), but doesn't it work both ways? surely learning a functional language would be of little use to soon-to-be imperative programmer? or would the purpose be more to get students capable of producing programs sooner rather than later?


Formerly known as JulzMighty.
I made KarBOOM!