well, morbius is entitled "life beyond games".
this is a post for all of you 18 and up, for those out of school.

i was always wondering how pc nerds find women. most attractive women can't understand the fascination of pc gaming, game creation, programming etc. and are rather interested in dancing, fashion, etc. things that the average pc nerd can't stand, obviously.

pc nerds have few hobbies. they are rarely seen outdoors. they do rarely engage in social activities.

now, the internet has proven a great platform to meet women through dating portals, meaning having home field advantage. but that would be too easy. the internet is a place where nerds gather, they do not meet other people with different interests, but rather themselves in different bodies.

as i see many of you through msn/icq/the forum online for the most part of the day, i wonder how you manage this particular aspect of social, private life of your own.

now pick one question and feel free to spin a tale:

how did you meet your girlfriends/wives/mates, if any?
any opinions about online dating portals?
what does yout mate think about your pc job/obsession/hobby?
how does the pc interfere with your social/private life?
are you ashamed to tell women that you like computing?
are you concerned about your look, the impression you make on women?
do you think pc is addicting and inhibits family life?