
pc nerds have few hobbies. they are rarely seen outdoors. they do rarely engage in social activities.

If this is the case, women are the least of your problems. I strongly believe that both social activities and sports are required for a healthy physical and mental state. Those, in turn, are what desirable women find attractive (yea that's a generalization and simplification).

What most "nerds" (man I hate that word) don't realize is that both sports and social activities can be a lot of fun, once you reach a certain level of proficiency. And it is important to understand that both are skills just like any other. Most people understand this in the case of sports, but not for social stuff. Poor social skills are not so much something you are born with, you can train it like any other skill.


what does yout mate think about your pc job/obsession/hobby?

I have found that women I have met react differently depending on how I tell them what I do. I usually get a positive response when I include emotional aspects, and negative ones when I focus on technical details (no matter how basic to you). For example, if I say that I create graphical effects (shaders, but that's too technical) that spice up the game or help engage the player, or tell them that I make games multiplayer so that players can have fun together, I tend to get positives responses. People often follow up by saying they never understood how games/programs where made. Don't tell them what a programming language or game engine is, that'll quickly bore them. Just say something like "yea it's difficult" and then say something else.


are you concerned about your look, the impression you make on women?

Being concerned with your looks gets you nowhere. It will only make nervous when women are around, which in turn will leave a bad impression of you. So if you are not concerned about your looks (or whatever else there is to be concerned about), there is no reason to be concerned. That's not to say you shouldn't takae care of yourself.