how did you meet your girlfriends/wives/mates, if any?
Online, and we are together for 3 1/2 year now

any opinions about online dating portals?
Actually it's a good way to meet people IMO, especially if someone is really shy. You can get a first expression at the beginning and later meet the one IRL. Without this online platform, you probably wouldnt even ask a girls.

what does yout mate think about your pc job/obsession/hobby?
She likes the idea that i create games and she also likes to play (not that much but more than the avarage of girls do i think).

how does the pc interfere with your social/private life?
Only positive. I'm not addicted to my computer, i often had weeks/month where i had no PC and had still a LOT of fun with other people and i didn't miss anything.
Though the PC makes many things easier, so it only "affect" it in a positive way.

are you ashamed to tell women that you like computing?
Nope. I love to play games and to create them, thats my passion. If a girl doesn't like it, it's the best thing to clear that at the beginning so you won't waste your time with a person who dislikes you by what you do as hobby

are you concerned about your look, the impression you make on women?
I don't look good and make a shy, uncertain impression. It really bothered me years ago but since i found the perfect girl for me who even looks really good, i don't weigth my impression to strangers that high anymore.

do you think pc is addicting and inhibits family life?
I think i would be more extroverted without the PC cause i HAVE to meet people IRL and not in the internet first. Don't know if it's inhabits family life in general but in my case, it does a bit at least

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"Tag und Nacht schrei ich mich heiser,
Wind weht alle Worte fort,
Tag und Nacht schrei ich mein Krähenwort!"

Subway To Sally - Krähenkönig