Once again you confused the types of your variables. You assigned a bitmap pointer to a panel pointer. An valid example would be
hero->bmap = bmp_create("Alucard_stand_r.tga");

If you do this continuously you will create a memory leak as you continue to create new bitmaps. A better solution would be loading bitmaps at the beginning of your code and assigning them later. E.g.:
BMAP* alu_stand_r;
BMAP* alu_stand_l;
void move_hero()
alu_stand_r = bmap_create("Whatever filename");
alu_stand_l = bmap_create( // and so on.
// Now imagine here all your loops and if statements and there:
hero->bmap = alu_stand_r;

If you're assigning variables in your code then always ensure they have the same type. If the type is different your code won't get compiled or you'll gain unwanted results including crashes.

Be sure to understand the concept of variables and types. Read the manual und lite-c -> variables.

Always learn from history, to be sure you make the same mistakes again...