Thinking in public

The work_dir and exe_dir variables are set at runtime
and not usable for what you are after.

There seems to be two ways to solve this.

  • At compile-time save the project path in a file which is then is included
    in publish. At program start we then could read back the original project path
    from that file. Not a beatiful solution but i could work. But then the project path
    may point at let's say C:\project\test. If then the published files are installed on
    a D: drive, things will go wrong as the program will try to find the path in a C: drive ...
    Of course we could omit the drive info and get around the probelm that way.

  • If I can find an equivalent to the C preprocessor variable __FILE__, its possible
    to get the project directory from there at compile time. I have asked Conitec if
    such an equvivalent exist. However the problem with drive info at an installation
    remains here.

I'll give it some more thoughs later.

Roland Strålberg Gamestudio/A7 Commercial