I thought he was mainly concentrating on code for now, from what I understand from his post.
in this case, he's pretty far into it, and none of you have questioned that.
so if he's showcaseing code, are you saying us poor programmers may not showcase, because we'll always be using dummy models and bad levels?
i mean: if you showcase code, it doesn't have to look good at all. it needs to work. and that it does.

see, by showcaseing the temporary art, he's already made aztec contribute, maybe more will follow. if you don't showcase good code with temporary art, no one will be able to help you getting better art.

I know it can be frustrating to see lots of undone things in showcase 1, things that aren't nearly at the level of completion, but that's what showcase 1 is for. it says nowhere that the art needs to be good looking. it can be terrible art, as long as theres a demo or a screen, he posted both. he's mainly showcasing code, not art, I believe...
just my humble opinion...

sorry, for the half-off-topic...

back to the project: good job. keep it up. and maybe, in a month or two, when more things are working you can ask for help in jobs offered...? people will want to do art when they see that code's working well...:)

~"I never let school interfere with my education"~
-Mark Twain