I don't have an example because, right now, I don't think it's possible - but here's what I think player physics might look like.

Use the example of your standard shooter. Imagine you are creeping through a room when suddenly you hear an explosion and then your body (and viewpoint) are slammed to the left, striking the wall and coming to a sudden stop. If player physics were possible I could see them used in this way to react to a force (e.g. bullet, weapon) striking the player. A 2nd example is if you're shot in the right shoulder from in front, and then the player and viewpoint spin to the right and fall back some.

You can see the ragdoll example in the Newton Game Physics exhibiting this type of behavior, but right now, the ragdoll is not the player. Basically, though, the player's body would react realistically to outside forces.

The only possibility I see now is a method of propelling the player with an impulse instead of the current technique of using movements.
