I'm not impressed either, but not because it doesn't look good in terms of level design or the 3d model.

The resolution of certain things is a bit low, like the trees for example. The little gameplay that is shown is quite horrible, but visually it's looking not bad. Now before you say this is nitpicking take a look at Gears of War itself and you'll see that it's not on the same level. Especially the post-processing shaders are missing.

By the way, is there somewhere a higher resolution movie with this for download? Perhaps part of why it looks low-res is because of the video resolution.

Scorpion: Can you compile such a level for the community and make a video of it?

If you provide us with the art or a exported version of the level, sure why not? I'm not sure if it would run 'out of the box' or need adjustments to get good fps, but basically it shouldn't be impossible. Needless to say someone should do this to prove it I guess.

Last edited by PHeMoX; 04/02/08 13:04.

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