Yesterday I decided to try a few things again with the pathfinding , I created a new level. Test level \:\)
Here's the link:
It has two bot functions in it. One follows the nodes , the other one is my 'base' for the AI , it still goes to random possitions , but it has more 'control'.
So far there are two 'problems' with this script. One is in the pathfinding , I guess I have a bug... It sometimes skips nodes from the 'look-up' process , so if it doesnt find the shortest path it'll atleast find the second shortest. The second problem is with the first bot I mentioned. Its easy to fix , but I'm not going to do that. When it follows a path sometimes it can get in a loop between two nodes.(Because of the bug I mentioned) The easyest way to avoid that is to check if the next node is the same as the last one , to move ahead directly to the second node on the list. The other way is if you store the whole path for the bot and move it one node at a time. (Currently it calls pathfind at every node it goes.)
F12 activates the debug panel so you can monitor which nodes are the goal node & the current targeted node of the bot. (First two digits on screen , upper left) The other is 'self-explaining' if you look at the debug panel in the .wdl file.

PS.: Simply run the level , its already builded (Otherwise you'll have to re-texture it) And about the link...Its on my home PC , so I dunno if it'll work all the time. If it doesnt , send me a PM or e-mail , I'll restart the server.

Extensive Multiplayer tutorial: