Originally Posted By: Machinery_Frank
 Originally Posted By: PHeMoX
If you provide us with the art or a exported version of the level, sure why not? I'm not sure if it would run 'out of the box' or need adjustments to get good fps, but basically it shouldn't be impossible. Needless to say someone should do this to prove it I guess.

Just do it.

Supply the textures and 3D models and I'll try.


And regarding the questions towards resolution, game-play, fps and all the things coming up in every such discussions:
This is a pre-alpha video. It is even a leak of an internal video. The demo is not finished and there will come something bigger at GG as far as I know.

Regardless of how nice their demo looks (I agree on that), it's strikes me how fps suddenly don't really matter when it's about Torque and some kind of 'leaked' demo where basically nothing happens accept some simple animations. ;\) And yes, I know the two tech demos for GS are 'final', but then again I really don't have fps issues with either of the two demos. Both are well above 60fps all the time.

if you have to code your tools, eyecandy and even proper entity managers yourself, why should i buy it?

You do realize that actual games do not write themselves???

Last edited by PHeMoX; 04/03/08 02:16.

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