Tobias, again and again. Read the posts. I already wrote what Wicht did with A6. So he has enough experience to teach something.

You want more details? Do you say I am lying? What kind of a suspicious boy are you?

Ok, here are some more detailled examples: I created materials and shaders for water, lava and cubic environment mapping. I created code for dynamic lighting (some kind of special light-management to support more than 8 lights).
I made complete levels, applied actions and tested them. I made models and textures for it.
I made a terrain shader as fixed function pipeline code with the needed action.

Do you remember the German game magazine for Gamestudio? I wrote half a dozen articles there dealing with shaders, textures and code.

But again, I don't know why you are such a strange guy that I have to tell you things over and over again.

Models, Textures and Games from Dexsoft