Ill make one why do i die..

right along with the make AAA game button, and the add BLUUUM button, and lets nto forget the mmo click together gui, cant forget that..... wait, why dont we just have conitec make the games for us, since we want our shaders built in, why dont we just have the whole game build in, and all you have to do is take credit for it :P YAY!

one issue with that.... thats not how games are made. When making a game, YOU CHOOSE what shaders to put in and YOU implement them the way YOU seem fit. As far as sphere and intense x go, they are much more than simple shaders to implement in your game (and btw bloom, normal mapping, detail mapping, and reflective water all are)

Sphere is a whole graphics engine rewrite. Matt wrote his own dx renderer for it, so its just not simply "some shaders"

IntenseX.... hmmmm who woulda thought that a program that allows you to build a game with an incredibly easy interface would take 6months to a year to finish.... especially when most games take a year or more to finish.... what a surprise.

Think about it for a second, people have this notion that just because we use an indie engine that things shouldnt take as long as the big games take to make but really its just the opposite. Do you really think if someone put as much effort into making a game as the AAA people do that it wouldnt look nice an A7. No, its just no one has the motivation to stick with a project and as indies we dont have the freedom to spend 8 months to 2 years on one project since we dont get paid as we go. Thats why all our games look like shit, not because of the game engine we use.

Stop whining like a little kid.