"Stop whining like a little kid."
Right after you stop being a retard.
"Ill make one why do i die..
right along with the make AAA game button, and the add BLUUUM button, and lets nto forget the mmo click together gui, cant forget that..... "
Well the point is that , Torque ALREADY HAS that, it has the shader editor , it supports shaders and fallbacks , it has bloom , it has ingame terrain editing (actually had it for a long time already) , Has better templates than gamestudio , better content packs , better engine versions , even a 2d version of the engine for the casual game developers , ability to publish for pc and mac , soon xbox 360 version of the engine to make games for 360. There's just so many places where gamestudio is falling behind , and thats the point. Torque is actually cheaper than gamestudio , more advanced , and it includes the source code. This is coming from someone who hated Torque and always praised gamestudio over it, but that was before torque brought out it's scripting language , and all of the above mentioned improvements. It's incredible how many people here dont get the point , making it sound like we're lazy and dont wanna do things ourselves , we're indies man , i pretty much work on things single handed , i do my own modeling , level design , texturing , scripting , and game design , I dont have time to create the development interface , thats why I PURCHASED one instead. In the long run , Conitec is only hurting itself , cuz as I stated before , nowadays , who in their right mind would choose gamestudio over torque ? There just so many more possibilities over at garagegames , one would have to be a fool to come here.