Phemox is totally off in at least 2 points:

He says that the "evil" Torque trolls did not make any games. First of all show me your game!

Then I can tell you that Wicht (as an example) made games in 3dgs and showed me about 5 different prototypes in Torque (working projects). Sure he works hard, found problems to solve and has to get help in the Torque forums. But he works on it rather than spamming only one-liners in forums like other do here.

Kiyaku also made several prototypes in TGB, TGE and even TGEA. I could see some of them and they look amazing. Even his 2d game "Angela's world" has re-made in TGB. I am sure he can provide you with images, I know a few of them.

Your assumption that I have no idea how to import static geometry and such show quite clearly that you don't have much experience with WED and Gamestudio. Even the fanboys know that the level- and shadow-compiler still is buggy. That shadows often become very distorted if you import static meshes, no matter if they are imported from mdl or from other formats.

And you suggest me to make the entire level in WED from blocks. Then I understand you perfectly, still living 10 years ago.
Time has changed, games use more details today. Even old games like Unreal Tournament 2004 used huge amount of detail-meshes in BSP levels.

But I talk only for myself. If you want to make another tetris game, then you don't have problems in WED. Everything is fine then.

And your question why some of us do not switch has been answered before, but you just forgot. Some still have projects to finish in 3dgs. We are not any trolls from outside, we are just CUSTOMERS daring to talk about some issues. Is a customer forced to throw a product away if there are some problems?

I understand you perfectly. If someone claims to be a skilled programmer who is only impressed by (advanced) programming like AI (Inestical as an example) then he will not have any problems to work through Irrlicht, Ogre or TV3D. I read tutorials of all 3 and I am a C++ newcomer (but with about 20 years of pascal experience). It is a piece of cake. And programming these tools offers a lot of freedom and is even fun.
And yes. If the same programmer claims that shaders are piece of cake then it will not be a big issue to make such fallback shaders with conditional statements or a good material-editor.
But all that is still missing.

And yes, tools like GameEdit or the first alpha shader editor took several years and are still not finished or even dead projects.

I can tell you that I was so amazed about GameEdit, about IntenseX and other promising tools.
Ok, some of you could make it in a few weeks how they sound here ;\)

I prefer tools for making games, not only a programming language because I know how hard it is to program software. I do that myself for my company. That is why I never would choose Ogre although it is a superior rendering engine.
And this is the point we are talking here, we don't complain about programming at all. Programming is only one tool of a few others that you need for making games.

Models, Textures and Games from Dexsoft