Originally Posted By: Machinery_Frank
Okay, I explain it more deeply for you:
The advantage of static meshes in Torque Constructor, WED, Lawmaker or in the Irrlicht editor is: You can compile static shadow maps on top of the geometry. Every static mesh can cast and receive shadows (at least it should work like that, if the shadow compiler works properly and it does in all of the mentioned tools except of WED).

Now try that with models! It will not work in WED.
You have to bake shadows in another application. And since MDL 7 does not support more than one uv-set you have to find external rendering helpers as well.
If you bake everything into one texture then it will have very low resolution.

I hope that makes it more clear for you.

Yes, it does make it clear for me and yes this is the one point of critique I agree with. However it's not entirely true that it can't ever work with models, I've got per pixel lighting working (sort of as I'm not a shader guru) and stencil shadows work fine here, as said before though this is with A6 not A7. If the compiler is broken, it definitely needs a fix but I'm sure Conitec is working on this. As for the lighting issue, I hope they add that soon to A7, it will be a immediate reason for me to upgrade basically...

All this said and done though, as far as A6 is concerned suggesting that it's impossible to make nice games with A6 (or A7 once the compiler issues are fixed if that's a actual 'show-stopper' thing) is a bit weird,


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