GarageGames is involved in this demo but probably there is another studio behind the content displayed in this. But this still is only guessing since there is no official information currently about this demo.

GarageGames works on a game called "Legions - fallen Empire". It is some kind of Tribes3, made with their shader engine and will be published soon via Instant Action as a game playable through web browsers.

Besides that they work on new engine versions based on a new code. So they re-write the complete engine code.
Juggernaught is the base that should power all three engines (TGE, TGB and TGEA) with their base functionality. It is told to be component based software. Then they can improve shadows only in Juggernaught and all 3 engines can take advantage from this.

But they said, Juggernaught will first power at least one internal produced game before it will become public for all. So they want to achieve that their code will be battle-proven.

I think, this is a good approach.

Models, Textures and Games from Dexsoft