Oh, I have a good idea for this forum!

How about, whenever there are four or more posts in a row with only Frank, Phemox and so on as authors, we replace all their posts with pictures from "My little pony" unless a moderator decides the posts are friendly, nice and completely free of bashing. Sure, it'd be a shame, because both of you often create amazing posts with great content or generous presents - but god, those other posts...

Man, that idea is awesome. You know, because I'm getting so tired of reading that. I mean, obviously, I wouldn't have to read it, but what if some EXCITING PIECE OF INFORMATION is hidden somewhere in there? So far, it often has, but it was unfortunately buried in personal attacks and comments that were pretty close to being classified as such. I don't know if this is maybe just a lack of skill in the english abilities (my lack of skills, to be exact here), but sometimes, posts seem unnecessarily rude. Sometimes, Phemox has those, sometimes, Frank has - for example, he doesn't even adress Phemox - who he is talking to - but is just making a general comment about him which always comes across as rude to me ("Sorry guys, he just is too stupid to see my point"). (Sorry, Frank. I don't know if you intend that this way, maybe its, as I've said, just my lack of abilities.) Note that I didn't intentionally chose Frank for ane xample, it'd probably be just as easy to find examples like these in PheMoxs (Argh, whatever letters need to be capitalized here) posts - although please understand that I didn't spend the five million billion years that would be necessary to analyze all your posts for this. It's just that some small things like these, where it isn't even clear if it was intended as an attack, spiral out of contral and end in a ugly battle of words, thats more or less super-pointless. And now, you both are always attacking each other, one eagerly awaiting the other to post something somehwere with even the slightest hint of a disagreement. I... doubt that this really happens, but it sometimes seems to me that this is the case.

It always takes two people for things like these to go out of control. Or three, four, five, I suppose but stop interrupting, I'm trying to make a point here. So, no finger pointing. But I suppose, if you think closely about it (maybe only when you're all alone by yourself in a dark room with plenty of time to think) you may agree that sometimes, didn't you use maybe words and phrases a little too agressive to get your point across? Yeah, it's fun and cool to be mean on the internet. But please, not in our beloved forum, which is praised for its great community. And still, we have all those threads ending with people ripping each other apart. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for good, educated, moderated discussions, and I'm not going to stop anyone from voicing their opinion that acknex/torque/ANYTHING is awesome and/or sucks, and often, the discussion actually revolves around this issue, with technical details and experiences thrown around - fantastic! But then, there are those threads that end in those horribly bad battles, so that the pages >20 only hold very little information. Isn't that sad? (rhetorical question, you see)

Let's just bring together happiness, shall we?

You know... back when I was more active here... I don't remember it clearly anymore, its been a while, but back then, whenever I had to make a reply, I'd first have to walk miles to the Conitec tower and hand in my reply, written in blood (no ink avaible). Of course, all this happened barefoot, in the snow. So next time, when you see something you don't agree on, remember those former, simpler times. Would you use your own blood to write a reply, which you'd then have to deliver by walking through the snow? Barefoot? WOULD YOU?!

Thats an amazing analogy, but it leads to lazyness. So use it carefully.

Oh, uhm. User Ratings. Right. Err, I think I didn't vote, but I lean more towards "not needed". I always had four stars, so I always was "mr. average". I couldn't join in with those five-star-superstars, and neither with the "one-star-who-cares"-guys (who were the cooler ones, to be honest). And hey, four stars for someone like me? So yeah. I don't mind the ratings, I don't love them to death, either.

Also, I would like the green grin-smiley back (yes, I've seen the thread for this very endeavour).

EDIT: Also, where is "Who's online"? I want to know who reads my posts. AT ANY GIVEN MOMENT.

Last edited by Error014; 04/05/08 22:50. Reason: I wanted to inquire about the possibility of the feature "Who's online" being lost in the process of updating the forum.

Perhaps this post will get me points for originality at least.

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