Hello all,

I am having a problem with an endless loop that i only discovered
when i inserted a printf into the loop.
I have packed it into a function, all you have to do is create a little
program and call fDoTest() from main.

The function should remove the path leaving the filename
then remove the .wmb extension from filename and add .gsx
extension to the filename.

// filled for testing - usually comes from fileselect dialog
char* filePathName = "D:\\GSTUDIO PROJECTS\\A7_PROJECTS\\PROJECTTEST\\atestfile.wmb";   // 
STRING* aCurrentPath = " ";
aCurrentPath = str_create("aCurrentPath");
STRING* camPosName_str = " ";  
camPosName_str = str_create("camPosName_str");

function fDoTest()
draw_text("in fDoTest()",500,200,_vec(0,255,0 ));
	int i = 0, j=0;
	int count=0, len=0;
	int pcount = 0;
	// THIS LOOP seems to never end ????????????
	// is strange - only found out whilst debugging
	// yet app works (at least up to now) 
	// but is definately not right
	// if i insert a printf in the while loop then i notice it	
	while (str_stri(_str(filePathName),"*") == 0)
		// search for "\" until no more
		len = str_len(_str(filePathName));
		count = str_stri(_str(filePathName),"\\");
		pcount = len-count;					
		// clip name from begin to "\"
 		// trunc name from end by (pcount - to "\") dont work ????
		str_trunc(_str(aCurrentPath),pcount );				
	        // store levelname
		// split levelname. from ext (wmb))
		len = str_len(camPosName_str); 
		count = str_stri(camPosName_str,"."); // search for "."
		count = (len - count);
		// add file ext (gsx) )
// UN-COMMENT next line to see printf in endless loop
// and i have to end printf in task manager
// yet COMMENTED runs ok
//printf("camPosName_str= %s",_chr(camPosName_str));		
   // DOES NOT seem to get to here
   printf("aCurrentPath= %s",_chr(aCurrentPath));   
   printf("camPosName_str= %s",_chr(camPosName_str));

Thanks for any help. I just cant see (at this time) the reason.

A8.3x Commercial, AcknexWrapper and VS 2010 Express
○pararealist now.