As I said in the README, some servers don't allow databases to be created by that script (it would be a security flaw), I only used it because I was testing it on a local apache server..

What you will want to/need to do is create a new mySQL database on your server, and create a file called with:
$db_host = HOSTADDRESS;
$mysql_user = USERNAME;
$mysql_pass = PASSWORD;
$db_name = DATABASENAME;

Looking at config_write.php explains this.
After you've created this file, it will allow db_driver.php to connect to the database. You would then need to run db_update.php to add the necessary tables.

On it's own the code doesn't really do much, it's just a bunch of small files not really linked together in any way.

After my chemistry investigation and final exams I may carry on working on the code and start linking it together, because at the moment it's just a mess.

If you have any more problems just post here and I'll try and help with what I can remember. I've not really used the code in a long long time and I don't have apache set up to test.

Oh and read the README, it should help explain things a bit better. \:\)