Sorry I didn't explain this very well. When making a game the speed at which the computer runs (called the fps rate) will change (you probably already know this) when it does the game will slow down or speed up as the computer does. To stop this from happening you have to multiply all the speeds in your game by a value called time or time_step this stops the game from slowing down or speeding up with the computer. If you multiply your speeds by time then you can change time with time_factor. However ONLY values multiplied by time will be affected so the slow motion will only work for those. ent_move... is simply a movement function. In something like this you need the time factor so that the speed of an object is effected by time. Ent_move may also appear as c_move.

Also if your using templates then they should already have time in the correct places. If they don't its a tricky process of putting it in.

I hope that was a bit better (probably not though knowing my capability to explain)

Thanks Sydan

For some reason, my ambition always seems to beat my ability.