Thanks for this great Link!

 vs.1.0              // version instruction

// c0-c3 contains composite transform matrix
m4x4 oPos, v0, c0   // transform vertices by view/projection matrix

// v2 texture coordination
mov  oT0.xy, v2
mov  oT1.xy, v2

// c4 lpos
// c6 eye
// H = HalfVector = Normalize( VertexToEyeVector + LightVector )
add  r0, c4, -v0	// L = lpos - vertex, L in object space
add  r1, c6, -v0	// VertexToEyeVector
add  r0, r0, r1		// HalfVector

// v3 Tangent,  x
// v4 Binormal, y
// v1 normal,   z

// matrix for object space to surface space
// ( Tan.x  Tan.y  Tan.z ) = ( v3.x v3.y v3.z )   ( L.x )
// ( Bin.x  Bin.y  Bin.z ) = ( v4.x v4.y v4.z ) * ( L.y )
// ( nor.x  nor.y  nor.z ) = ( v1.x v1.y v1.z )   ( L.z )

dp3  r1.x, v3, r0
dp3  r1.y, v4, r0
dp3  r1.z, v1, r0

// r1 H vector in texture space

// normalize vector in r1
dp3  r1.w, r1, r1		// r1.w = |r1|^2
rsq  r1.w, r1.w			// r1.w = 1/sqrt(r0.w) = 1/|r1|
mul, r1, r1.w	// r1 - normalized L vector in texture space

// <-1, 1>  to  <0,1>
// c5  0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5
mad  oD0, r1, c5, c5

This doesn't look like it is gamestudio compatible... Does anybody now how to convert these shaders?


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