Originally Posted By: NITRO_2008
True, but it's not because I'm biased or close minded,
??I was actually agreeing with you.

The point I was referring to was about whether the doctrine of original sin is contained in the Bible. Which it is clearly outlined in almost every book. Its such a central theme to the Biblical writings themselves it would be useless for me to try to argue the point. Its like trying to argue whether the earth exists...its just a waste of time.

Hahaha, no, no, don't get me wrong. I totally agree with you on this too. But there are still always multiple interpretations possible as the discussion here kind of shows.

Original sin is indeed not mentioned in Scripture.

Not explicitly, but then again nothing is really explicitly mentioned in the Bible. So yeah, you are right as well I guess. There seems to be a consensus on the explanation of this part of the Bible though, eventhough 'original sin' is never explicitly mentioned.

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