Then people that tells the "future" or special people must be a virus in the game that evolves and gains cheat codes making it able to make them really smart etc.. like that guy who can learn a language a completely new language in 7 days.. and nukes/earthquakes/comets are worms trying to crash the game, and blackholes are memory leaks :p

and handicapped people are Npcs who havent been set-up in the databases properly

dead people are Npcs that are getting switched with new ones with different functions and a different goal :p

dogs who chase their tails are entering the loop on free purpose, of course sometimes it skips what number it has already run in a circle and have to redo it, its also programmed into our world as a fun factor like in sims. :p

Last edited by Darkyyes; 05/04/08 00:35.

New to lite-c and gamestudio in general, thank you for reading.
Com, A7 v7.7