Ok, so as some of you might know, i got my internship over at guerrilla games some time ago, and have been working on killzone 2 for quite some time now.

This led to a lot of inactivity (and stalling of projects, one of which is the ever going ragdolls of mine, which i once again apologize for!) on my side.

Anyway, with Playstation Day in the UK behind us (yesterday actually:P), Killzone 2 has been presented! So, with great pride, im finally able to show some stuff off that i have been doing all that time \:D

Just as a reminder, im doing level design over here, i didnt do visuals, im the gameplay guy ;\)

anyway, i wont stall this any longer;

Leaked level 1 gameplay Movies
IGN preview

My job has been to create waypoints (paths where enemies can walk around), placing path objects (spots where enemies can jump over railings downfloor) and lean an peek's (or as IGN calls them, sneak and peeks).
the last one was most work, and basically was a 2nd mesh i had to draw around the level for the player to be able to take cover behind everything, however you can clearly see that being used in these movies several times *proud mode*.

And as a final, i got my contract offering here! (got it way before the internship even ends :D) Just thought i'd share all this with you guys, as this is the place where i've learned all my gamedesign experiences.

Big thanks out to everyone that helped me become the (professional, finally!) developer i am right now... oh, and to top that off, im still only 19 years old ;\)

PS: funfact, the contract starts on my birthday, 1st of july ;\)

Formerly known as dennis_fantasy
Portfolio - http://www.designorhea.com/
Project - http://randomchance.cherrygames.org/