
Thanks for the replies and all the information, I appreciate it muchly. Although I've never touched anything as advanced as shaders before, I'm going to go through what you've given me at the weekend and have a crack at it (any other info or examples are always welcome).

Nadester - I saw your game on Showcase II and meant to post over there that it looks excellent, but I must have forgot. In fact, that was what inspired me to try my hand at a cartoon shader. Until I saw that I hadn't even realised that it was possible as I know nothing about shaders - I was intending to fake the effect by painting shadows on the textures like in Fear Effect 2 - very old fashioned! If you manage to convert the above example before me, I'd love to see the results.

Is it currently not possible to create black lines around objects using shaders? (I know you can fake it using an extra model with inverted normals, but that doubles your polycount.)
