I just got hired as a junior level designer (contract starts on my B-day, 1st of July, yay!). I get 9.50 Euro per Hour, makes a total of 1652 Euro per month (for a 40-hour workweek), in dollars that'd be ~15$ per hour and ~2600$ per month...
Imagine, im still junior, only 19-years old, so this is the basic of basics i can get probably... it can only get more and more (i am at a $30.000 per year amount already then).

Again, this is Professional work, i Think as Freelancer you'll be a bit below that (or above, depending on how many contracts you have running at the same time).

But in the end, Serex and Frank definatly are right, get your contacts down, then youre a long way already!


Formerly known as dennis_fantasy
Portfolio - http://www.designorhea.com/
Project - http://randomchance.cherrygames.org/