
I’m afraid it would be no good for me to try anything manually with my models because I was modeling complete rooms in wed and complexity of the models confuses me- I wouldn’t know where to begin with edges. I could break every room in 5-6 groups of simpler objects (that’s what I’m doing in my method ) and then manually re-map them in Blender but it’s too much time consuming.

Thanx for helping and I really liked your video- it’s very informative and an-eye opener . Blender seems to have every important modeling function and it’s free??? I still don’t get it.

With Blender I guess you can save tons of money and have similar project quality that you would have with Max or Maya.


As for Shadows-On-Textures I have managed to put a method that seems to be doing the trick:

You need 3 programs for this:

GStudio 7
Fbx Converter


Save your WED-Model to FBX.
Convert your WED-FBX-Model to OBJ with FBX Converter.
Import OBJ-Model in Blender, do consolidate into one image thing to put all textures into one and save as FBX.

…now the weird part…

Import Blender-FBX-Model in MED (there should be only one mesh & one skin) and save it as FBX again(overwrite if you want).
Import MED-FBX-Model in WED, save texture in WAD and save everything as MDL.
Open WED-MDL-Model in MED and save as MDL again.
Open MED-MDL-Model in MED, do Create Atlas Mapping, delete old non-atlas texture and save as FBX and MDL.

…this weird part is here because I couldn’t do the atlas mapping any other way. The key thing before creating the atlas is to make sure the texture is on the model. For some reason it’s not enough to see the texture in MED’s 3D View - you have to click Engine Preview to make sure it’s there. In most cases texture was present in 3D View but non-existent in Engine Preview so Atlas didn’t recalculate it but have made an empty texture-map in that strange pink color. I don’t know if this will happen to everyone or it’s just my pc but this is how I must do it. Next…

Convert MED-Atlas-FBX-Model to OBJ with FBX Converter.
Import Atlas-OBJ-Model to Blender, do texture-baking thing, save baked texture.
Open MED-Atlas-MDL-Model (that you saved at the same time as FBX) and just replace old-atlas texture with baked one.
Baking over.

If anyone found a faster (or better) way of doing this please share your steps…

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