...than 99% of them...

even if their shadow mapping shader is slow, it produces neat results. i have seen a variance shadow mapping attempt in a7 once, but it never looked that good.
there must be a reason why you don't see such shadow effects in a7. it can't be that we are all dumb.

but i didn't write that because i wanted to heat up the engine war again.

there are fantastic things going on at the quake2 front, not only the "ubersoldier" games. have a look at overdose:

some screenies to make you hungry for more:


and of course, it's not only about the engine, it's about art. look at this thread: http://www.quake2evolved.com/blurforum/s...mp;pagenumber=1 how to create an enforcer model. wow. they put so much work into this.