Released GSPython v0.91 *BETA*

Added the ability to link Acknex Entities and Particle as Python objects. You can also call custom WDL functions from inside Python.

dllfunction Python_LinkEnt(VarName, VarEntity);
// VarName is the name of the Python variable you are creating.
// VarEntity is the Acknex entity you are linking it to.
// Everything is support except .link.
// Access .min[0..2] with .min0, .min1, .min2
// Access .max[0..2] with .max0, .max1, .max2
// Access .skill[1..48] with .skill1, .skill2, etc.

dllfunction Python_LinkPar(VarName, VarParticle);
// VarName is the name of the Python variable you are creating.
// VarParticle is the Acknex particle you are linking it to.
// Everything is support except .link. and .bmap
// Access .skill[1..4] with .skill1, .skill2, etc.

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