Originally Posted By: sueds
you should try xna it's a really powerfull graphic library and there is a lot of example.

I would like to know what king of trouble you are facing with 3Dgs ? For me the reason was the workflow.

Thanks I'll check out that engine.

Well, waiting for it to improve for one thing. I think I've already stated that rather than adding to A6 they moved to A7 and I have to buy it again.

I want something more stable. I have ran into problem after problem, things keep changing and that's why I stopped cause it got so frustrating. WED drives me into insanity, just placiing bjects becomes a pain in the ass as they don't always go where I want to go, of course I can fix that by using a different level editor, but I bought a suite.

It just isn't smooth and stable, I feel held back for the stupidest reasons. Maybe in a sense it is the workflow. I just need something solid, and middleware.

@Jim, you're absolutely right. TGEA is presented extremely well, but in all honesty there are no games that put it too the test so who knows how great it really is. It's best to wait and see what comes out with it. However from what I've played it does handle massive levels quite flawlessly, Legions was just brutal. I'd be in it just for the level editor, the level tools look great, I'd have to try the demo at least.

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