In this context, that is a fair reply to the question.
Thank you.

Oh yeah, the use of the expression "dead bang" is one I've used a few times on here. I stole it from Eric Draven from The Crow.

I wonder (no, not really) if Brandon Lee smiles in film hick-up purgatory when the expression is used in the right way.

if any of you wanting to see this have small children, you may want to reconsider taking them.

Ah, prior to reconsideration, what was the assumed preference for child viewing.

Perhaps, it will not appease wee beasts.
If the piece lacks heavy helpings of THE staples -> violence, carnage, cruelty, gore, innovative murder (off screen implied acts are a no no), etc., I think some (+small) children in these parts would find it unacceptable and boring.

If viewed at all here, it may be several months, so the thing should certainly be spoiled through disclosure long before then, if that is even possible.

Great movie.

What is great about it?