Yes, the large levels is what turned me on to TGEA. Yes I do want great indoors as well, but most of the game is to take place out side, and I want to implement vehicular combat and possible long range sniper, so larger levels with more breathing room is a must.

The C4 engine looks nice, I'll try the demo for now.

Yes I understand a more advanced engine will be more difficult to use, but of course that's a step I'm willing to take for the sake of my game. Basically I want something that would allow my game to be considered next gen, large outdoor levels, modern lighting, and good physics, or if I have to se another physics engine I can do that.

I appreciate all the engine names you're giving me. It does help and I'm doing the research to make sure I get what I need, as obviously I know my game best. smile

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R.I.P. Dave Williams