Originally Posted By: amy
I think there is some confusion going on here. I donīt know any engine which doesnīt use some kind of node based scene graph. This has nothing to do with node based visual scripting systems (which I find more cumbersome and much more limiting than real scripting languages).

Yes. I was talking about the node based scene graph, not the scripting language. If you want to create new features then you have to program them in C++.
But besides that the scripting system from C4 is very similar to the scripting system from Unreal3 (kismet). It is even a bit easier to read and faster to execute. There is a comparison between both of them in the Wiki.
If something is great for Unreal3 then it cannot be bad for me.

Originally Posted By: Amy
Another C4 disadvantage besides the lack of a scripting language is that only one programmer works on it. I donīt see how he will be able to compete with the bigger teams of the competitors like Unity in the future.

This is not entirely true. Eric is the main head behind it but he is not the only one. There are a few people behind Terathon Software. I know at least 3 of them.
I have no idea how C4 can compete with Unity in the future. But the next upcomging feature will beat Unity easily: the terrain renderer and editor. It allows infinity terrains and you can carve anyting with voxels including caves into the terrain.
It gets background streaming from HDD and paging at RAM and GPU to allow infinity sized geometry.
Eric presents such new features often at the GDC and writes books about it. I consider him qualified enough to implement that.

Originally Posted By: FoxZero
Yes, I can tell right off the bat that the C4 engine is the result of bad programming. lol the waterfall effect was just terrible. That said the lighting was pretty decent, but there was something wrong with the blooming. I'd love to see a nice shooter with it.

We already talked about the demo. It does not show what the technology is able to do. But this is a decision of Theraton. I showed you a link of a nice C4 game that will be published soon, looking much better.

Your comment about bad programming is a bit off. Almost all C4-users come from different Engines, mostly from Torque. They are skilled C++ programmers and they always have good words for the well structured object oriented code. It is easy to read, uses modern design patterns (like singletons) and is very stable.

The waterfal or the water are more artistic problems and not a result of the engine architecture.

Originally Posted By: FoxZero
I wish I could try the level editor

It reads like you did not check it long enough. The editor is available in the demo. You only have to press the right key. This has been written in the download section and in the readme file. It is important to read that stuff if you are new to a technology.

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