Originally Posted By: jimc74
Also, there is a somewhat new engine that might be great for you.
It is called Leadwerks. If you go to their site, it seems like
it might be the best for large outdoor worlds (and they are working
on a "sandbox" editor). They claim to be a "next-gen" engine.
And it is only $150 now (maybe more if they charge for the sandbox

The engine sounds nicely priced, and the idea of simulating a sunset is not one you see often, done well at least.

Yup, the 3D World Editor is another $80-120 depending on which version you get. Still not a bad deal at all.

I'm gona try this next.

EDIT: Sandbox is included for free. However there is no demo for me to try. frown So far though, this might be the engine for me.

Last edited by FoxZero; 07/22/08 19:49.

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