@Spike: What was wrong with the ending?

@Tiger: Yep, GK is fantastic. I wasn't sure how I'd react to it, but it didn't let me down.

@tD_Datura_v: It was great because it's first live action Batman movie to truly capture the feel of the comic book and featuring an established Batman. Begins was good for an origin movie, but TDK is 1-year into it, and it felt like the books. In regards to the appropriateness for smaller children, it's just that its very mean spirited. The Joker was a very psychotic, scary Joker, and Two-Face's disfigurement was pretty gory without resorting to blood and guts. It's definitely an on-the-edge hard PG-13.

Anyway, it's the best movie of the year; thus far and lives up and exceeds the hype. It broke somewhere in the neighborhood of 9 box office records this opening weekend and is well on its way to breaking more. It has a stellar 94% Rotten Tomatoes score (an average of all of the reviews), and is one of the best reviewed movies of the year from both the critic and average moviegoer POV. In other words, people are going to see it and recommending it 99% of the time; thus it's going to have "legs" and stick around for a while and has more than a better chance of receiving some Oscar nominations. Ledger will at least get nominated. It might have a chance at the Titanic box office title, but I don't see any movie ever beating that one. I hope it does, though.

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