I understand you point AlbertoT. It is indeed a bit harder to get fully into Engines like Ogre, Irrlicht and C4 - even if there are some good beginners tutorials.

It takes more design before you start, more planning, more experience with classes, inheritance, virtual abstract classes, templates. But at the end it can ease your life if you once created the classes (like the controllers). Then all these objects help to create good reliable, well structured code, easy to read.

But it is hard. I went through this, refreshing my C++ knowledge intensively, doing tutorials, creating dynamic linked pointer lists and similar.

At the end our customers do not care if I had to write a controller or not. They just see a product and look at graphics and feel how it controls. They will not ask me how comfortable I was with the programming language.

And I learned a lot about good object oriented programming that can be easily transferred to ObjectPascal, Java or C#. It is similar in all these languages. I am happy that I went through this.

Models, Textures and Games from Dexsoft