Awesome thread here. And no I'm not a member of that community, although they seem like great intelligent people.

Right now Leadwerks 2.0 looks like my best bet. I know, it requires stuff most people don't have on their PCs. But think about this, in a few years shader 3.0 will become standard on economical PCs like my own, and my game will be in development for several years. Why not pick something that is way out there? By the time it's done people will have the technology to play it. People tell me to stay away from that stuff because "it won't run on older PCs" well when I'm done the technology will have aged.

I understand Leadwerks right now has some stability issues, also I'm stuck at shader 2.0 right now. So I need a new PC. While I'm saving for that more updates will come out for leadwerks and I can prototype in 3DGS and continue modeling and level editing.

After reading their message board, it seems like most people on there came from A7 or TGEA, and they wanted next gen. They also seem very happy with it and the CEO is constantly on the boards taking suggestions and answering questions. So it looks like the engine will truly turn out the way it's supposed to be.

Also I'll probably buy 3D World Editor as it looks like a great affordable tool.

I appreciate all the help people. smile This really made my research faster. I still need a lot of tools but this is my main piece.

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R.I.P. Dave Williams