Originally Posted By: tkunze
I also did some investigation on leadwerks engine. What i understood is that they have a new World Editor called Sandbox which ships with the software, so i do not know if the 3d World editor is still necessary.

Video on YouTube

I saw that video. It looks enticing. It's a bit different from 3D World Editor and I doubt it makes it obsolete.

Leadwerks still has some quirks and not all of its features are implemented, but so far it is very powerful and has come a tremendous distance and such a short period of time.

By the time I get the appropriate hardware and the cash for the engine I believe it will be further along.

Another thing I like about it is your options of coding language, it gives the coder the ability to use the language they are most comfortable with (as far as I know).

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R.I.P. Dave Williams